You are here:--Thinner Paraffin Wax Therabath Liners Foot Spa Paraffin Bags
Thinner Paraffin Wax Therabath Liners Foot Spa Paraffin Bags 2020-11-17T08:08:25+00:00

Home Forums Help & Support Thinner Paraffin Wax Therabath Liners Foot Spa Paraffin Bags

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  • Author
    • Jack
      Post count: 330

      I just need plastic foot liners for mosturizing. I don’t use wax. Is it suitable?
      product code: 160575

    • Segbeauty
      Post count: 86

      Hello Jack,
      Yes, this product works just fine for moisturizing.
      Best regards.

    • Anna
      Post count: 330

      What are stickers for?

    • Segbeauty
      Post count: 86

      Hello Anna,
      It is to tape the bags shut. It helps to extend the heat of the wax.
      Best regards.

    • Chris Wilberg
      Post count: 330

      Are these watertight? Could these liners hold liquid to soak your feet?

    • Segbeauty
      Post count: 86

      Hello Chris Wilberg,
      It is just fixed by sticker, so it can’t hold too much liquid.
      Best regards.

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